


(依更新內容由新到舊呈現;Presented from new to old) 更新時間 Renew time:2022/04/14 18:35

  1. 確診者的足跡是透過疫情調查詢問確診者,由確診者回溯這段期間的活動地點、停留時間等,可能會有回溯上的偏差。
  2. 民眾若曾出入相關場所或與個案有接觸,請進行自我健康監測,請依各表下方日期(最後接觸日隔天開始算10天)前,若出現發燒、上呼吸道、腹、嗅味覺異等症狀,應撥打縣府1999專線,將儘速安排至指定社區採檢院所就醫,不得搭乘大眾運輸自行就醫。
  3. 就醫時請主動告知接觸史、旅遊史、職業暴露、周遭其他人是否有類似症狀等。
  • COVID-19 positive cases' footprint is traced back to the confirmed person by inquiring about the confirmed person through an epidemiological investigation, so maybe have some deviation. Place of activity during this period and time of stay may be backtracking deviations.
  • If been to the relevant places or coming into contact with the case, please take care of your own health-monitoring. Health-monitoring shall be carried out on the date below every list at the latest. The next day of contact, the calculation begins. If fever, upper respiratory tract, abdomen, olfactory abnormalities or abnormal taste occur before 10 days, should call 1999 and government will arrange for treatment immediately. Do not use public transportation devices to designated community centres for medical treatment.
  • Please let us know your contact history, travel history, occupational exposure, and others whether there are similar symptoms.


二、4/7 ( 3. 案25670 → 2. 案25590 → 1. 案25443 )

3. 案25670



2. 案25590


1. 案25443



一、4/6 案25350




